Tulsa alone has over 1,000 miles of storm drains. All of which drain DIRECTLY into the Arkansas River, feeding other streams and ponds.
Do-It-Yourself cleaning typically uses improper cleaning chemicals. Harming plants, fish and animal populations, and overall ecosystems. We help cut down on a Do-It-Yourself method that can wreak havoc on the environment. |
DIY Cleaning
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GotDirtyBins Cleaning
Once a month, every month.
Can clean up to 4 bins
Hassle-free and consistent service.
One Cleaning per Month
1 Bin - $20
2 Bin - $30
3 Bin - $40
4 Bin - $50
*Payments processed the 1st of each month, prior to service. Keep in mind time of month order placed.
"QUANTITY" = Number of 'households'
If you wish to make a purchase for more then one household (friend, neighbor, etc) then select more than 1 quantity.
We come every 3 months.
1 Bin- $30
2 Bin- $40
3 Bin- $50
4 Bin- $60
*You will be notified by email the day prior to service. Your quarterly payment will process on the 1st of the month that bin/bins get cleaned.
"QUANTITY" = Number of 'households'.
If you wish to make a purchase for more then one household (friend, neighbor, etc) then select more than 1 quantity.
GotDirtyBins.com |